Today we would like to share a breast cancer story about survival, belief, and how one of our patient's beat cancer using natural remedies instead of chemotherapy.
Pam's Breast Cancer Survival Story: Natural Remedies
My Name is Pam Null I have become a breast health warrior.
In August of 2012 a mammogram detected micro calcification on my left breast but biopsy’s came back clear. That’s when I diligently learned the correct way to do my self-breast exam.
That’s when I detected a lump 2 inches below the biopsied area. The mass that was present was not detected by several mammograms it took over 6 month of declining health issues and my insistence to check this lump. This is where I learned to be my own advocate.
In April 2013 I was diagnosed with stage 2 ER+ PR+ Her2- ductal carcinoma and my life was going to change. I had Breast cancer. Now I was one of them.
I was scared to death and started doing as much research as I could. I am a born again Christian and my faith was being tested. Through much prayer, research and seeking God’s guidance through the Holy Spirit I had to make some hard decision.
I choose to have a single mastectomy to avoid the possible long term side effects of radiation over my heart, it turned out to be the right decision because I had positive lymph nodes. Now it was the decision for treatment. It was hair pulling at times to navigate through the insurance maze but I eventually had 3 different oncology institutions opinions.
With the advice form a nurse who is a friend and my research and much prayer, learning how important the immune system is in healing; that’s when I decided to choose a natural immune building treatment. The Gerson Therapy. I choose an alternative way to fight breast cancer.
It required change, everything in me, on me and around me needed to detoxify my body.
It was a major lifestyle change. I turned a nice (“70’s” tan) orange from the 40 lbs. of organic carrot, green apple and combination green juice the Gerson Therapy requires but I will take that anyway over the years of side effects. Test results on the tumor Onco DX 22% I fought to get the mamoprint and it was 10% chance of distant metastasis. It was scary to tell my Oncologist that I didn’t want 4 rounds of Chemotherapy.
Don’t depend on others for your responsibility for your health. Take charge.
The body is marvelous a healing machine don’t discount alternative medicine using your immune system to fight cancer.
My medical team was not under one roof. I decided after much research and testing that I did not want to go through traditional treatment.
I had the opportunity to learn and follow the Gerson Therapy nutritional program for cancer treatment in a local setting. I also added additional nutritional supplementations to the protocol and let my immune system fight for me:
Integrative Therapy, preventative medicine, naturopathic, an oncologists willing to follow my progress and order tests, chiropractic, psychiatric, lymphatic therapy, and a supportive husband and a prayer team of friends and church members.
A Single mastectomy, no radiation, no chemo. I juiced, detoxified, and supplemented. I fought with dedication to use alternative and preventative medicine and with God’s grace I stuck with it as my Doctors advised watching my numbers decrease and health restored over the last 2 year. I have tests to show I am cancer free and I plan on permanent remission to stay.
My choice of the kind of reconstruction were greatly increased because I didn’t have radiation an my immune system was strong form my lifestyle change.
I knew I wanted to have reconstruction because I felt maimed by losing my breast. My girls were always a part of my identity. So now one was missing.
Knowing all the options and what I could do were important. I choose the DIEP Deep Inferior Epigastric perforator flap surgery. With fear and trepidation I decided on the DIEP reconstruction surgery long term results using my own tissue natural substance non foreign didn’t require follow up treatment surgery’s 10 years down the line to replace. Using my own extra stomach fat, a flatter tummy and a mastopexy, breast lift to lift the other girl which was healthy but sagging. This was the way for me.
Finding a plastic surgeon that could do the micro vascular surgery and covered by insurance was the next challenge. I again interview several doctors and choose Dr. Duncan Miles in Redlands and Dr. Andrea Ray in Loma Linda. Dr. Miles choose LLUMC for the surgery location because they were equipped with a hot ICU to assist in my healing recovery during the 6 day hospital stay.
I needed to post pone the surgery once because I was not emotionally ready for this big surgery and fight my fears. But in August of 2014 we proceeded. It was a hard recover but I was so overjoyed to see my breast restored.
Cancer has taught me to trust God and not man. You dig in to you inner soul to find courage. You need to reach out to find others to help you when needed.
Family responses –
My husband has been a steadfast provider and supported me in my choosing an alternative and a natural supplement treatment plan to heal and restore my health. He trusted my decision and would provide the physical items needed to succeed with the Gerson Therapy. He took off time form work to care for me after the reconstruction but when it came to the emotional support that where he was at lost; overwhelmed emotionally I needed to look for outside support. So that’s where I had to reach out to others for help. These were my church friends. Sometimes I just needed someone to cry with and a hug. My being open about what I was going through enabled me to receive the support I needed. Texting and Facebook were helpful to know people were there.
I looked for a support group but there wasn’t a natural cure one that fit me. The Caring Bridge Internet Cancer Journal site enabled me to keep interested friends apprised about my journey, and also enabled me to get out what I was feeling inside. This was very helpful. I had a lot of fear and just needed my good Christian friends, who would listen to me and then gently remind me about God’s truths and His promises to care for me. I kept attended different cancer support groups and learned what I could and shared what I have been doing with nutrition. “Bosom buddies” in Beaumont “Forget me not” in Redlands , are places I was felt comfortable.
God, I believe, really directed me to follow the natural nutrition cure route. This is where the blessings of God shown through. Friends came alongside me and strangers I would meet along the way gave me encouragement. There were bills and tests, second opinions and things not covered by insurance provided for. I call these my mini miracles.
I was in tune to Gods leading and saw his blessings. He was and is my greatest support, and I grew much closer to Him through this trial. I didn’t ask "Why God?" Because I accepted it was His plan for my life, though the hardest challenge I have been given yet.
Yes I have scars but we all will bear our scars. We have to choose to continually release the emotional and physical pain to God. With His help, good health habits and monitoring I plan on staying Cancer free."
Breast Health Warrior
Pam Null AFID
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